Tuesday, October 7, 2008


These are the days I felt most frustrated about during high school. The weather is magnificent and the waves look really fun across the bay (and most of the Eastern Cape, my sources tell me). But the wind (SW) is expected to come up by this afternoon. By the time scholars get to the beach, it will already be crowded, windy and no where near as perfect as it is right now.

I’m pretty sure this sort of disappointment filters through all sporting activities. Whether you are busting for a game of touch rugby, a swim at the local swimming pool or a fiddle in the new veggie garden, odds are you’re feeling cheated out of good weather. So my heart goes out to anyone staring out the window of a muggy classroom or office, wondering why people chose to use the best hours of every day at work.

I’ll have more to say this afternoon. Right now I’m going to take advantage of the conditions I kept missing in high school. I tried to take a photograph of the waves, but the glare is a bit bright still.

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