Hello friends,
You are cordially invited to attend and participate in the inaugural
'Rail to Rail Body Surfing Extravaganza', hosted by the enigmatic Maximus
The contest will take place on the 22rd of December, 2008, at Sowetoes
Beach, St Francis Bay, starting at 9 AM Sharp. Late comers will be
excluded from the tournament, but still welcome to join the after party for
a few toots.
Entrée fee is a donation of at least 2 cans of pet food; all proceeds
are going to Save A Pet, birthplace of Maximus Truscott.
The calendar looks as follows:
09:00: Meet at Sowetoes Parking Lot
09:15-09:30: Singing of National Anthem
09:45: first heat goes into the water
Finish time will depend on entry numbers (Tell your friends!!!)
The judging criteria is as follow:
All Methods of Body Surfing are welcome (The Bullet, The Handcuffs,
The superman, The shark Fin). Length of ride is the main objective,
however mud prawning (ie. Crawling with your hands and feet on the
sand to get further up the beach) is strictly prohibited. If you are
spotted cheating, there is a penalty of one extra can of pet food and
elimination from the tournament. (see http://heraldsurf.blogspot.com/2008/11/exclusive-celeb-special.html for an explanation)
Walter ‘6 Fins’ Chokastone has promised to come down and judge the affair, so bring you’re A- Game.
It is a winner takes all event. First prize is a case of cheap local
beer (Castle, Black Label, Hansa) and a victory lap across the beach,
escorted by Maximus Truscott.
To confirm your entry, please contact me on 072 929 1004, or mail me if you are short on airtime. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU GET HOLD OF ME ASAP. I want the heat sheets drawn up BEFORE Monday. Else this tournament will be a shambles. I will not tolerate my dog’s party being soiled upon by loskops!
Thank you,
Clayton Truscott
1 comment:
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The survey will take no more than 10 minutes of your time.
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